Hey, where is MY kitchen of the future??
What I want to know is if Whirlpool dreamed up the Robo-Vac back in the 1950’s why the heck did we have to wait so long to get ’em? Apparently … Continue readingHey, where is MY kitchen of the future??
What I want to know is if Whirlpool dreamed up the Robo-Vac back in the 1950’s why the heck did we have to wait so long to get ’em? Apparently … Continue readingHey, where is MY kitchen of the future??
Admit it. You’ve always wanted to be cool enough able to flip food like a Master Chef. Maybe you’ve even suffered a fit of over-confidence and tried it… with disastrous … Continue readingFlipping cheese balls like a boss…
This made me laugh. Yep. Might make you laugh too. Might make you laugh too.
Reminder to self: You need more wine in the house. … Continue readingHow (not) to make a grilled cheese sandwich when you’re drunk
I adore this vintage Kellogg’s Pep cereal ad ad. It comes to us circa the 1930’s. Pep cereal was introduced in 1923 to rival Wheaties. … Continue readingI too thrive on cooking, cleaning, and dusting…really
Squeal!! How adorable are these Russian Nesting Doll measuring cups? … Continue readingPardon me while I put on my girl hat…
So those of you that are following along may know that a couple weeks ago I stumbled across a vintage ad for making a Jello and pineapple mold in the can. I thought “I can totally do that! How hard could it be?” And right then and there I decided that I would give it a try. … Continue readingAlice fails at being a housewife…
Really. I mean THIS is quality entertainment. “Son of a biscuit!” … Continue readingAll 3-year-olds should have cooking shows…
I got a lot of inquiries about my cooking after that wildly popular post. Okay one. Okay, so that person did not ask me directly about my cooking. But I am sensitive. I can read between the lines. I know he wanted to. … Continue readingIt’s Cookin’ with Alice..oh yeah
So I am all kinds of proud of myself. I made dinner last night. That alone is enough for me to be proud of. Domestic I am not. … Continue readingIrish Chicken Stew