The dog park through a Great Dane’s eyes…


close up of brindle and white boxer faceI love a good “point of view” video.

And this one in particular tickles my fancy.

It’s a visit to the dog park from the perspective of Bishop the Great Dane. But what makes it even better is that it’s a two POV video. We get to see what Bishop sees and then we also get to see what Bishop’s Dog Dad Kelsey sees as well. black cat wearing a white scarf

Reminds me of my old dog park days with my Love of My Life dog Hobbs. He was the most beautiful brindle Boxer ever. And yeah, sure, I’m biased. But I’m also right. πŸ™‚

(That’s him up there at the top left. Miss you boy!)

Such a fun point of view and with all that doggie joy and happiness it’s yet one reminder that dogs really do rock.

(And yes, cats are awesome too. That’s mine there on the right.)

[via laughingsquid]