
6 Pieces of Furniture that Kind Of Scare Me

That said I live mostly contentedly with an eclectic hodgepodge of used and found pieces in my little dollhouse of a home. So this pursuit of unique is mostly done in my head through extensive online surfing. In that surfing I occasionally run across furniture that goes a little more off the beaten path than I expected and moves into my “that scares me” zone. … Continue reading6 Pieces of Furniture that Kind Of Scare Me

Bovey Lee Creating Beauty with Paper: The Centuries Old Art of Paper Cutting

This week I stumbled upon some gorgeous examples of the art reinterpreted. Hong Kong born artist Bovey Lee combines all the traditional elements of her native home’s papercutting artform and adds a timely modern message. The result are beautiful and powerful pieces made entirely of ricepaper. … Continue readingBovey Lee Creating Beauty with Paper: The Centuries Old Art of Paper Cutting

Store Brand a Real Value: Guaranteed Value FTW!

I am a bit of a packaging whore. I tend to notice packaging and I am not ashamed to admit I will readily buy something based on packaging alone (although I am happy to say I will not continue to buy it if the product doesn’t measure up). … Continue readingStore Brand a Real Value: Guaranteed Value FTW!