
It’s a boat!…It’s a plane!…It’s programmable paper!

“Programmable matter by folding”…it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. And the abstract is kind of a dry read. But the video showing the “programmable paper”…the brainchild of MIT and Harvard scientists…in all of it’s origami-like action…now that’s cool. … Continue readingIt’s a boat!…It’s a plane!…It’s programmable paper!

Powers of ten…

In this morning’s lecture Professor Filipenko reminded me of an amazing little film that made a humongous impression on me….Charles and Ray Eames “Powers of Ten” from 1977. I haven’t seen it in awhile and I immediately had a hankering to see it again. So I thought I’d dig it up and put in here for anyone who hasn’t had a chance to experience it yet. … Continue readingPowers of ten…