Cólera first breaks your heart and then smacks you with a devastating twist….


Cólera, a powerful one-shot short film is a staff pick pick over on Vimeo for a very good reason… it’s terrific!

The heartbreaking tale, made by filmmakers Aritz Moreno and Leire Apellaniz (known collectively as Sr.&Sra.), stars acclaimed Spanish actor Luis Tosar and has already been selected in over 100 festivals worldwide.

In Cólera we join a group of villagers who are clearly on a Frankenstein’s monster style witch hunt. The carry pitchforks, guns, and, in the case of one beautiful young girl clad all in white, a stone.

Their target, a sick and crippled man who has already been driven to the farthest outskirts of the village, is confronted by the terrified and furious villagers.

They want him gone, and they are prepared to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

The path they choose, however, will have devastating consequences.