Hey all you boss and manager types. Times are tough all around right now; even for those who have jobs. Don’t forget to say thank you and show a little appreciation for your employees. I realize that with all the things you have to worry about right now this one is probably not at the top of your list. But it should be.
If you can swing it why not bring in bagels one morning, or give people a surprise afternoon off?ΓΒ Even a no-cost sincere “thank you, great job” is more than enough to brighten a day and skyrocket morale.
People need to hear some good thoughts right now. And you will be rewarded ten-fold with a happy productive and loyal employee; an invaluable asset as our workforce shrinks and our workloads double.
Go give it a try right now and see how easy, not to mention rewarding, it is. Go, do it.